Christopher Crow On 5 Things We Must Do To Improve the US Healthcare System
Pharmacists acting as an extension of physicians’ care teams is a key component of the tech-enabled, integrated care team I described above. Medication errors, poor adherence, incomplete treatment plans, and lack of communication around prescriptions have significant implications on the health of patients and contribute to rising costs. By integrating… Read More
Balancing Budget and Need for Updates: The Struggles of Keeping Physician Practices Alive
The world of healthcare embracing the digital world has been a very well celebrated move. This move has helped so many people in so many ways. It allowed people to stay at home and be safe during the pandemic. It allows people in rural areas to connect to specialists far… Read More
Addressing needs in rural primary care now: How and why government entities can do more
With new eyes turned toward primary care – within the health care and technology segments, as well as the investment community at-large – the industry has received a dose of desperately overdue attention and support.
11 Ways Entrepreneurs Can Maintain A Professional Image
For an entrepreneur, the reputation of their business is everything. Each and every interaction with a potential or current customer has a direct impact on whether that customer chooses to engage or disengage with a company, and businesses today also have the challenge of maintaining their standing in an increasingly… Read More
Pharmacy Focus Episode 56: How to Enhance the Patient Experience Through Integrated Care Models
Willoughby hopes on a global standpoint that every chronic condition patient has access to a support team that is there to provide care.
Exploring Health in a Deeper Way
Tapping into the full potential of primary care providers will mean the U.S. healthcare system investing more in new payment models and the workforce in general.
The Next-Gen Practice: How Millennials Are Transforming Medicine
Waco family physician Stefan Huber, DO, has grand plans to open his own private practice in the near future.
The Top 25 Healthcare Technology Leaders of Dallas for 2022
The Healthcare Technology Report is pleased to announce The Top 25 Healthcare Technology Leaders of Dallas for 2022. The Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex is home to more than 40 corporate headquarters, including more than 20 Fortune 500 companies, giving it one of the largest corporate headquarters concentrations in the United States.