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Episode 1

How the Pandemic Changed
Primary Care

In the first episode of Primary First, Catalyst Health Network’s Chief Medical Officer Dr. Jeff Bullard sits down with Catalyst CEO Dr. Christopher Crow to discuss the Village Health Partners success story.

Episode 2

Preparing for the Next Shift in
Care Delivery

In this episode of Primary First, host Dr. Jeff Bullard continues his conversation with Catalyst Health Network CEO Dr. Christopher Crow, touching on what independent practices can do to prepare for the next big shift in care delivery — and what might happen if they don’t.

Episode 3

How Catalyst is Working Toward Prospective Payment

In this episode of Primary First, Dr. Bullard and Catalyst Health Network CEO Dr. Christopher Crow finish their conversation on the ways primary care is changing, and what Catalyst is doing to ensure that prospective payment becomes the norm by bringing purchasers and physicians together.

Available on wherever you get your podcasts

Under 10 minutes each to fit your busy schedule. Listen while on your way to the office or even while walking the dog.