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Tech-driven connectivity and collaboration tools empower primary care providers (PCPs) to shepherd patient care, while simultaneously empowering patients to make more informed and strategic decisions about their own health and care journey.

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Insights & Thought Leadership

Why Healthcare Spending’s Tipping Point Is In Sight

February 16, 2023

It’s hard to see reports of the astronomical costs of American healthcare and not become immediately desensitized to the enormity of it all. In 2021, fueled somewhat by the pandemic, American healthcare costs topped $4.3 trillion (membership required). By 2028, that number could surpass $6 trillion.

Insights & Thought Leadership

Can Conscious Capitalism Work for DFW Healthcare?

February 6, 2023

Like many other industries, the healthcare business in North Texas has been robust over the years, with unprecedented growth and a diversified economy helping to lift all boats in the region. Corporate relocations, relatively inexpensive housing, and a business-friendly climate have led to a booming economy that has weathered recent…