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11 Ways Entrepreneurs Can Maintain A Professional Image

For an entrepreneur, the reputation of their business is everything. Each and every interaction with a potential or current customer has a direct impact on whether that customer chooses to engage or disengage with a company, and businesses today also have the challenge of maintaining their standing in an increasingly… Read More

Pharmacy Focus Episode 56: How to Enhance the Patient Experience Through Integrated Care Models

Willoughby hopes on a global standpoint that every chronic condition patient has access to a support team that is there to provide care.

Exploring Health in a Deeper Way

Tapping into the full potential of primary care providers will mean the U.S. healthcare system investing more in new payment models and the workforce in general.

The Next-Gen Practice: How Millennials Are Transforming Medicine

Waco family physician Stefan Huber, DO, has grand plans to open his own private practice in the near future.

Advancing into a High-Performing Value-Based Network

Newly Released Podcasts 9/7/22

VBC Insights: Dr. Christopher Crow, CEO and Co-Founder of Catalyst Health Group

Advancing into a High-Performing Value-Based Network

Over the past few years, the shift to value-based care has slowed down as organizations struggle with leadership alignment around care delivery advancements. However, lessons can be learned from organizations that have successfully advanced value-based care – including how to position the organization for value-based success, how to build performance… Read More

How to improve medication adherence [PODCAST]

“Automation and technologies can enable adherence, but true change happens when physicians and pharmacists work together in collaborative teams to achieve common goals: Better managed chronic conditions, fewer complications, and improved experience for patients and physicians.”

Technology and Advanced, Team-based Primary Care – #HITsm Chat Topic

We’re excited to share the topic and questions for this week’s #HITsm chat happening Friday, 7/8 at Noon ET (9 AM PT).  This week’s chat will be hosted by Christopher Crow, MD (@catalysthg) on the topic “Technology and Advanced, Team-based Primary Care.”