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Healthcare Investment Priorities

Efficient and accessible technology has cemented the partnership between IT and healthcare. Not only does healthcare technology save money for medical centers, it also saves time. Read Article

Family doctor, employer groups join forces to replace fee-for-service-model

A national primary-care physician association and an employer group have teamed up to develop a care model that aims to shift away from fee-for-service reimbursement. Read Article

How should primary care physicians be paid?

Medical Economics spoke with Christopher Crow, MD, founder and CEO of Catalyst Health Network, to discuss the state of primary care reimbursement and what needs to change. Read Article

Healthcare Jedi Master Dr. Christopher Crow

Dr. Chris Crow may single handily save the American healthcare system. Ok. So maybe that’s an overstatement. However, I firmly believe many of the ideas Dr. Crow espouses contain the answers for getting America to a more sustainable healthcare future. Listen to Podcast

Why primary care needs a prospective payment model

Dr. Christopher Crow is out to prove that primary-care practices can thrive under value-based payment.

Dallas-Fort Worth family doctors have a financial plan for the pandemic — and the future

Many want to ditch fee-for-service and earn a monthly payment for keeping people healthy.

Coronavirus already changing medical care in the U.S

The coronavirus pandemic, which has fueled widespread speculation about potential long-term changes to American life, is already causing one important shift: It has accelerated moves to restructure how basic medical care is provided and paid for in the U.S.

Coronavirus crisis threatens physician practices in DFW and nationwide

As the number of cases of coronavirus grows and hospitals across North Texas and nationwide brace for the worst, primary care physicians and some specialist practices are seeing steep drop-offs in visits, threatening their viability and exacerbating the public health crisis.

How New Practice Payment Strategies Can Help Hospitals Battle COVID-19

Making sure primary care physicians stay in business can free up hospitals to treat the most serious cases.

UTSW, UNTHSC, and Catalyst Team Up to Test First Responders

The Tarrant County testing site will help identify those who may not have shown symptoms.